It has been a minute since we last posted anything.
Adrian Downes has been training with the UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc since 1994. He has always been a steadfast student and his quiet mannerable approach makes him a very popular student and teacher. He has made good progress and is currently undertaking training to become a fully qualified Sifu within the UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc.
Adrian was a student of Jiu Jitsu for a number of years before coming face to face with Wing Chun at a multi-style seminar. He quickly realised that Wing Chun Kung Fu was the direction he wished to take in his Martial Art training.
Adrian has trained at the National HQ, the Midlands HQ and was a senior student for one of the, now retired, teachers namely Alan Legg in Hitchin.
Adrian’s interests are not just limited to Martial Arts. He is a qualified fitness coach/personal trainer and has run various classes over the years.
In November 2015 Adrian became the Assistant instructor to Master James Sinclair at the Milton, Cambridge UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc, branch.
Adrian now assists on our weekly live Zoom broadcasts and is assistant teacher at the St Neots branch.
Our Live Zoom Sessons have been recorded and as of June 2023 we have a vast library collectio. on al aspects of the Art. Each recording is over 1/2 hour long, with many I hour in length. The majaority benefit form 4 camera agles and are filmed and edited in HD.
We now have over 400 episodes in our collection. Subscribers can view them on our vimeo channel.